Energy, Communication and Love Flow between animals and humans💘

From an early start I have been thrilled by the way energy flows and means the whole in our feelings of happyness in which even sadness is part of it.
All in nature is able to connect with us if we are open and willing to receive it's messages🦉 It is an energy outgoing the borderies of life and death full of love and understanding.

Ragdolls are marvelous creatures, so open, cuddly and uninhibited! They they are ideally suited to help us experience greater unity and thus heal our hearts. 

As they grow up in our cattery we try to create the best conditions to stimulate this gift.


We offer therapy sessions with our Ragdolls.
Our kittens can be adopted to support anyone with serious mental & physical health problems and of course to be happy and make happy. They are great with children with a diagnose in the autism spectrum. We look as a whole and may include diet and life style advise.


The interest of the kitten is always central of course.

Just contact us for the options in your personal situation💌




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